Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In the garden


Just before this miserable weather hit us, I managed to plant some more roses in my garden.  Shouldn’t complain about the rain as we need it.  Everything is starting to look really dry and brown.

I have a long boxed area that I thought would be just right for roses.  Keeps them safe from strong winds but with still enough space to allow the air to flow around them (I read it in one of my magazines).


I have had a lot of beautiful flowers from my first rose and the garden bed has been bare as I wanted to make sure that I could grown them as I’m not very good with flowers.


I have chosen a lovely white/pink and an orange coloured rose this time with room to fit 2 more still.

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Can’t wait till they flower.  What's new in your garden?


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1 comment:

  1. Oh that is going to be beautiful next summer! Love the pink and orange!
